Yesterday we celebrated Dr. Seuss' birthday with some green eggs and ham! First, we read the book and completed this cute little writing prompt and rhyming activity from Cara Carroll's March Madness Mega Pack. (If you don't already own it, go get it. It's a must for March!)
Then, we sampled our very own green eggs and ham!
Looks delicious, right?! A huge thank you goes out to my sweet grandmother who prepared nearly 100 green deviled eggs for my class and Ashley's. The ham was purchased at Publix and we painted it with green food coloring while the kids were at recess.
It was so funny to see the kids' reactions. A few of them were grossed out, but overall it was a hit! Many of them were asking for seconds!
After eating, we voted on whether we like green eggs and ham or if we do not like green eggs and ham.
The results were close... but most of us like green eggs and ham! (I think there were a few sympathy votes for the naysayers...we had quite a few clean plates!)
Here's a {link} with some recipes for your own green eggs and ham if you'd like to use it next year. Better yet, if you're doing Dr. Seuss throughout the month of March, it would be an "egg-cellent" activity to incorporate with St. Patty's Day!